Note from the Author

Welcome to the Radiant Journal, a place to focus upon God’s Word and apply its power to your life on a day-to-day basis. As we find in the Bible, the Word is alive and active. It is not only something to read, but also to speak and to act upon. The model is to start off your week with an in-depth study and reading. Then each day, you will carry that concept through by focusing on a particular passage and taking a few minutes to journal about how it applies to your life, often led by a guiding question or two.

Translations matter, and while I was raised on the King James Version of the Bible, for most of my adult life, I have ascribed to the New International Version (NIV). And, in recent years, I have found at times the New Living Translation (NLT) to help illuminate and clarify the NIV. So, throughout this journal, for the sake of clarity, you may find Scripture from varying translations of the Bible.

And so, for the year ahead, I hope that you will find each entry helpful in your daily walk. The world today is at times, full of darkness, and darkness does not embrace light. In fact, it rages against it, trying to overcome it. As Jesus said, in this world, we may have troubles, but He has overcome the world. The Light of the World has overcome the darkness, if only we would tap into the power of His Word. Each day we live is another chance to get things right; it is another chance to shine our light. So, no matter what, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, remember that you are loved, you are gifted, you are beautiful, and that He will never leave or forsake you. Remember, you are radiant!